The story of 6 victims of land mines in Colombia, 3 former soldiers, 1 former police officer, 1 peasant and a girl recruited by the ELN guerrillas accompanied by a professor from the University of Medellín, an expert in explosives. In Mineland we can see how cinema is a powerful tool for their resilience and how landmines are a big problem in Colombia as they are now undetectable and each one costs less than a dollar. Colombia is the country with the highest number of landmine victims after Afghanistan and these are generally done to protect coca crops.
Director: Christian Ossa
Genre: Documentary
Duration: 71:00:00
Year: 2022
Topic: Disability - antipersonnel mines - human rights
Executive Producers: Lina Herrera and Christian Ossa
General Producer: Diana Suarez
Field Producer: Victor Ossa and Adriana Barrera
Production Assistance: María Victoria Matiz
General assistance: Elkin Carvajal, Andrés Cumaco and Santiago Moreno
Sound and Final Mix: Sebastián Díaz
Direct sound: Camilo Calderón
Music: Sebastian Diaz and Pedro Castillo
Photography: Yeison J. Rojas and Michael Páez
Research: Jeison Arias Ricardo
Editing: Yeison J. Rojas and Christian Ossa
Art: Luis F. Chara
Acting training: Andrea Duarte